Title of Article
Age Related Preferences of Leadership Styles: Testing McGregor’s Theory X and Y
Marjan Bojadziev, Miodraga Stefanovska Petkovska, Venera Krliu Handziski, Gabriela Barlakoska

Journal of Management Research, Vol. 8 (4), pp. 187-207

Application of Herzberg Theory in the Emerging Market – The example of Macedonia
Marjan Bojadziev, Venera Krliu

Conference proceedings of the 1st international conference: Changes Arising from the EU Member Status, (ISBN 978-9989-2673-0-7), UACS, Skopje, Macedonia

Application of McGregors’s XY leadership theory in education management: investigation of the link between preferred leadership style, intrinsic motivation and turnover intention
Miodraga Stefanovska – Petkovska, Marjan Bojadjiev, Petar Blazevski

International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems

Cash or Compliment? Older employees’ preference of financial versus non-financial incentives
Stefanovska-Petkovska, M., & Bojadziev, M.

Montegrin Journal of Economics. Vol. 13 (1), pp. 63-71.

Corporate Strategies in a Downturn
Marija Barishin, Marjan Bojadziev

Conference Proceedings of International Conference: Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development, Riga, Latvia

Development of Instrument for Measurement of the Organizational Alignment – from Vox Organizationis to “Four Organizational Culture Types and Four Leadership Styles”
Marjan I. Bojadjiev

Universal Journal of Management

Does participative management produce satisfied employees? Evidence from the automotive industry
Miodraga Stefanovska-Petkovska, Marjan Bojadziev, Zlatko Mucunski

Serbian Journal of Management Volume 10 (1) (2015): 75-88

Econometrics and Strategic (HR) management
Kristina Krsteska, Marjan Bojadziev

8th May Conference on Strategic Management, (MKSM012), Bor, Serbia, May 25 – 27

Education as an Entrepreneurial Driver: A Case for North Macedonia
Marjan I Bojadjiev , Sandra Temova, Makedonka Dimitrova , Ana Tomovska Miovska

Sixteenth Annual International Academic Conference on European Integration – AICEI 2021

English Zero Derivation Revisited: Nouning and Verbing in Online Business Articles
Marjana Vaneva & Marjan I. Bojadjiev

International Journal of English Linguistics

Entrepreneurial Climate in Republic of Macedonia According to Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
Bojadjiev, M, Handjiski, V.K, Kostovski, N , Klisarovska, E.

Annual of ISPJR, pp (126-136)

Entrepreneurial Intensions in Family Business
Ivona Mileva , Miodraga Stefanovska Petkovska , Ana Tomovska Miovska , Marjan I Bojadjiev

Designing and Implementing HR Management Systems in Family Businesses

Entrepreneurship Addendums on Hofstede’s Dimensions of National Culture
Marjan Bojadjiev, Ivona Mileva, Ana Tomovska Misoska, Marjana Vaneva

The European Journal of Applied Economics

Factors Limiting the Application of Marketing in the Macedonian Banking System
Marjan Bojadziev

Macedonian Marketing Association, Conference proceedings from the counseling held in Ohrid: Factors limiting the application of marketing in the Macedonian industry, June 1-2

First-Time Leaders and the Role of Organizational Culture in Family Businesses
Marjan I Bojadjiev , Ivona Mileva , Miodraga Stefanovska Petkovska

IGI Global Handbook of Research on Innate Leadership Characteristics and Examinations of Successful First-Time Leaders

Green Economics: Young generations to help achieve future sustainability of Europe
Makedonka Dimitrova, Ilijana Petrovska, Marjan Bojadziev

2011 Conference volume of 6th annual international conference on European Integration – Constructing Europe as a Global Power: From Market to Identity?UACS, Skopje Macedonia

How to Resolve the Current Macedonian Gordian Knot-and Continue the EU Accession Talks
Marjan Bojadjiev , ELSEVIEOR SSRN
Human Resource Management in a Supportive Role of Sustainable Development and Waste Management
Kristina Bocevska, Marjan Bojadziev

5th Symposium on Recycling Technologies and Sustainable development, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

Human Resource Management practices configurations in family firms
Gnan L., Flamini G., Bojadjiev M

Academy of Management Conference

Individual differences on job stress and related III health
Miodraga Stefanovska-Petkovska, Vesna Velikj-Stefanovska, Marjan Bojadziev

Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2014 Mar 15; 7(1):147-153. http://dx.doi.org/10.3889/MJMS.1857-5773.2014.0359Public Health

Investigation into the Potential for Clientelistic and Corruptive Behavior of Students of Private and Public Universities in R.N.M
Marjan I Bojadjiev , Ivona Mileva , Miodraga Stefanovska Petkovska

International Scientific Conference Political Clientelism in the Western Balkans

Investigation of Drivers and Determinants of Inpatient and Outpatient Satisfaction in Public Ambulatory and Hospital Departments
Bojadjiev, M, Stefanovska-Petkovska, M, Bojadjieva, S, Velikj, V.

Universal Journal of Public Health Vol. 5(4), pp. 141 – 150

Investigation of Organizational Culture in Companies in high rate polluted Countries: Review of existing Evidence and Application of the new Vox Organizationis Model
Bojadziev , M , Stefanovska-Petkovska , M , Tomovska-Misovska , A , Mileva , I

AICEI 2020

Investigation of Organizational Culture in Family Firm: Review of Existing Evidence and Appliaction of the New Vox Organizationis Model in Family Firms
Ana Tomovska Miovska , Miodraga Stefanovska Petkovska , Ivona Mileva , Marjan I Bojadjiev

Designing and Implementing HR Management Systems in Family Businesses

Job Diagnostic Survey – Longitudinal Study on the Balkan Countries – Macedonia, Bulgaria and Kosovo
Venera Krliu-Handjiski, Marjan Bojadjiev, Ana Tomovska-Misoska, Miodraga Stefanovska-Petkovska, Ana Krleska, Ilijana Petrovska

Journal of Management Research, Vol. 7 (4): pp. 39-53

Leader vs Employees: Investigation of Difference in Perception of Organizational Culture in Small and medium-sized Enterprises
Marjan I Bojadjiev , Ivona Mileva , Miodraga Stefanovska Petkovska

International May Conference on Strategic Management – IMCSM20, Volume XVI

Leadership styles and organizational culture in Macedonian companies
Ninko Kostovski, Marjan Bojadjiev, Katerina Budlioska

Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 5 (13), pp. 33-34

Leadership styles in companies from Republic of Macedonia
Ninko Kostovski, Marjan Bojadjiev, Katerina Budlioska

Economic Development, Journal of the Institute of Economics-Skopje, No. 3 (2015); pp. 211-222

Leadership Styles in Small and Medium Sized Businesses : Evidence from Macedonian Textile SMes
Bojadjiev , M, Hrisotva , S, Mileva , I.

Leadership Styles

Macedonia Megalopolis 2020
Marjan I Bojadjiev , Ivona Mileva , Miodraga Stefanovska Petkovska

Challenges of Official Statistics in the Era of Globalization and Digitalization

Marketing Strategies in Banking
Marjan Bojadziev

Macedonian Marketing Association, Conference proceedings from the counceling in Ohrid: Macedonian strategies for market presentation, June 1 – 31

Non for Profit Organizations and Institutions’ Effective Management
Marjan Bojadziev, Venera Krliu

Paper not published

Organizational alignment as a model for sustainable development in the public sector in the Republic of Macedonia
Artan Limani, Ana Tomovska-Misoska, Marjan Bojadziev

Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 5 (12), Integrated Business Faculty

Organizational Alignment in Ict Company in the Republic of Macedonia
Marjan Bojadziev, Ana Tomovka Misoska, Antoni Pesev, Miodraga Stefanovska Petkovska

Business and Economic Research, Vol. 6 (2), pp. 424-439

Organizational Alignment in ICT Company in the Republic of Macedonia
Bojadziev, M., Tomovska Misoska, A., Pesev A., Stefanovska Petkovska, M

Business and Economic Research. Vol. 6 (2), pp. 424-439, ISSN 2162-4860

Organizational Alignment in the food indistry: Case Study of a company in the republic of Macedonia
Bojadziev M., Naumovski S, Tomovska-Misoska A, Stefanovska-Petkovska M

Journal of the Institute of Economics Skopje

Organizational Culture and Strategic Alignment in Fast Moving Consumer Goods Company
Bojadjiev, M, Kostovski, N, Handjiski-Krliu, V, Shindilovski, D.

Annual of ISPJR, pp (45-56)

Organizational Culture and the “Voice” of Small Enterprises in the Electrical Engineering Service Sector in the Republic of Macedonia
Bojadjiev , M , Misoska Tomovska , A , Mirocevic , B, Petrovska-Stefanovska M .

Universal Journal of Management

Organizational Culture as a Driving Force in Modern Organizations
Marjan Bojadziev, Venera Krliu

Conference proceedings of the 2nd annual international conference on European integration – Bringing Europe In: Different Mechanisms of Europeanization, (ISBN 978-9989-2673-2-1), UACS, Skopje

Perceived work environment and job satisfaction among public administration employees
Marjan Bojadjiev, Miodraga Stefanovska-Petkovska, Ana Tomovska-Misoska, Julijana Stojanovska

European Journal of Applied Sciences , Vol. 12 (1), pp. 10-18

Politeness in the COVID-19 Workplace: The Case of University American College Skopje
Marjan I Bojadjiev, Marjana Vaneva , Vesna Hristova

Sixteenth Annual International Academic Conference on European Integration – AICEI 2021

Recognized patent right number 908532
Bojadjiev , M, Tomovska, A, Stefanovska,M.

Office for Protection of Industrial Property of the Republic of North Macedonia

Reliability, Validity and Factor Structure of the 12-Item General Health Questionnaire about General Population
Miodraga Stefanovska-Petkovska, Marjan Bojadziev, Vesna Velikj-Stefanovska

Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2015 June 25; http://dx.doi.org/10.3889/oamjms.2015.075 (electronic publication ahead of print)

Research on the Elements of the Marketing Mix and the Opportunities for Introducing MCIF in Banking
Marjan Bojadziev

Conference proceedings of the counceling in Ohrid: Research of the domestic and foreign markets, March 7 – 8

Rewarding Structure for Payment and Motivation of Managers in Different Levels
Kristina Bocevska, Marjan Bojadziev

Book of Proceedings of VII May Conference on Strategic Management with International Participation, University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, Serbia, May 26 – 28

Should I Become an Entrepreneur or an Employee: Dilemmas of Students in Macedonia and Slovenia?
Makedonka Dimitrova, Jaka Vadnjal, Ilijana Petrovska, Marjan Bojadziev

Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye, Vedecký recenzovaný časopis, Univerzita J. selyeho – Ekonomická fakulta, Komarno, Slovak Republic

Social Dialogue as a Form of Participation of Employees in Decision-Making and Management of the Companies with Emphasis on Social Dialogue in the Republic of Macedonia
Bojadziev M., Andonov M., Mihajlovski Z., Petkukjeski L

International Journal of Social Science Research. Vol 5, No 1.

Survey of Decision Making Practices of Macedonian Managers
Marjan Bojadziev, Marija Barisin, Zlat Milovanovic, Venera Krliu

Book of Abstracts of the 3rd annual conference on European Integration: Globalization of the Region: EU Perspectives as a Challenge, UACS, Skopje, Macedonia

Testing Herzberg’s Duality Theory: Analyzing Joba Satisfaction Among State Administration Employees
Miodraga Stefanovska-Petkovska, Marjan Bojadziev, Vesna Velikj-Stefanovska

Book of Proceedings of the 10th International May Conference on Strategic Management – IMKSM 2014, Technical Faculty in Bor, University of Belgrade, Serbia

The advantages of Google Scholar Ranking
Marjan Bojadjiev, Venera Krliu, Sanja Pavlova, Ivona Mileva

International Journal of English Language Education

The Challenges of the Marketing Communication Strategy During the Global Economic Crisis in the Financial Industry
Ilijana Petrovska, Marjan Bojadziev, Nada Sekulovska

The Challenges of Economic Theory and Policy in the Aftermath of the Global Economic Crisis, International Conference of the Faculty of Economics, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Macedonia, November 12 – 13

The econometrics and the management (focus on HR costs and influencing)
Kristina Krsteska, Marjan Bojadziev

8th May Conference on Strategic Management, (MKSM012), Bor, Serbia, May 25 – 27

The Effects of Organizational Culture and Dimensions on Job Satisfaction and Work-Life Balance
Stefanovska-Petkovska , M , Petrovska , I , Bojadziev , M , Schaeffer I , Tomovska-Misovska A

Montenegrin Journal of Economics

The End of the World As We Know It” or “Leadership Turnaround in Difficult Times
Bojadjiev Marjan
The Human Resource Related Activities and Quality Function Deployment
Kristina Bocevska, Marjan Bojadziev

12th International Conference of The Research Centre on Dependability and Quality Management, Belgrade

The Impact of Covid-19 Crisis on a Company’s Internal Communication
Marjan I Bojadjiev , Marjana Vaneva

Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems

The Influence of Occupational Stress on the Employees: A Case Study of a Macedonian Company
Bojadjiev, M, Hristova, S, Burevski, V.

Annual of ISPJR, pp (87-100)

The Influence of Self-Reported Job Satisfaction, Safety Behavior and Occupational Stress on Intention to Quit Among Construction Workers in Small and Medium Sized Family Firm
Marjan I Bojadjiev , Ivona Mileva , Miodraga Stefanovska Petkovska

EURAM Conference 2020, SIG 11 Public and Nonprofit Management

The Ninth Dimension of National Culture: Unpacking Cross-Cultural Communication Styles
Marjan I. Bojadjiev, Marjana Vaneva2 , Ana Tomovska Misoska1, Ivona Mileva and Marija Andonova

Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems

The Relationship between Remote Work and Job Satisfaction: The Mediating Roles of Social Interaction and Work-Family Conflict
Marjan I Bojadjiev, Ivona Mileva , Sasho Blazevski

Sixteenth Annual International Academic Conference on European Integration – AICEI 2021

The role of participatory management in fostering job satisfaction among public administration employees
Miodraga Stefanovska-Petkovska, Marjan Bojadziev, Vesna Velikj-Stefanovska

Presented at the MSM 4th Annual Research Conference Global Business, Emerging Markets and Human Rights: Old Concerns or Fresh Hopes?, Maastricht School of Management (MSM), Maastricht, the Netherlands

The “Blue-collar” Motivation: Personal and Work Environment Predictors of Job Satisfaction Among Construction Workers
Stefanovska-Petkovska, M., Bojadziev, M., Handjiski, V. K., Trajkovska, V.

Universal Journal of Management. Vol. 5 (3), pp. 149-159

Theoretical Approach for Identifying the Links Between the Strategic Human Resource Management and the Value of the Companies
Kristina Bocevska, Marjan Bojadziev

6th May Conference of Strategic Management, University of Belgrade, Technical faculty, Department for management, Belgrade, Serbia

Understanding Factors of Innovative Thinking in Advertising Agencies: Case of Macedonian, Slovenian and Serbian Advertising Agencies
Ilijana Petrovska, Ana Tomovska-Misoska, Marjan Bojadziev

2012 Conference volume of 7th annual international conference on European Integration – Europe 2020: Toward an innovative and inclusive union, UACS Skopje, Macedonia

Understanding University Rankings and the Needfor Academic Ranking of Balkan Universities
Marjan Bojadjiev, Ivona Mileva, Ana Tomovska Misoska, Sonja Pavlova and Venera Krliu-Handjiski

The International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies

Vox Organizationis: theoretical basis and methodological considerations in the development of an instrument for organizational culture
Marjan Bojadziev, Ana Tomovska-Misoska, Miodraga Stefanovska, Zdenka Nikolovska

14th International Conference on the Development of Values and Competitiveness in the EU, Sofia, Bulgaria

Words Matter: School Leaders’ Language in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Marjana Vaneva and Marjan Bojadjiev

Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems

Workplace as Motivator – Comparative Study of Employees in Business and Public Administration in Macedonia and Neighbouring Countries
Marjan Bojadziev, Nikica Mojsoska-Blazevski, Dessislava Boshnjakovska, Miodraga Stefanovska, Venera Krliu, Jasminka Janakievska, Valon Saracini

Conference proceedings of the 5th annual international conference on European integration: Europe after the Lisbon Treaty, UACS, Skopje, Macedonia

Youth survival on the labour market: Comparative evidence from three transition economies
Bojadziev, M, Mojsoska-Blazevski, N., and Petreski, M.

The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 28(2), pp. 312–331

“Development of Instrument for Measurement of the Organizational Alignment – from Vox Organizationis to “Four Organizational Culture Types and Four Leadership Styles”
Marjan I. Bojadjiev

Universal Journal of Management

“Perceptions of opportunities and barriers to women’s career advancement in a developing economy”
Bojadziev, М, Stefanovska –Petkovska, М, Mojsoska-Blazeski, М, Kačaniklić- Josivoski, S.

The Transnational Journal of Business p.p. 21-37